West Virginia University Campus Expansion, Morgantown, West Virginia


The $150 Million program includes over 500,000 square feet of space and consists of renovations to historic Oglebay Hall (c. 1918, listed in the National Register of Historic Places) and historic Colson Hall (c. 1925), Brooks Hall, Allen/Percival Hall, a new State Fire Academy Center, a new chilled-water loop, three new student housing projects, a Plant Pathology addition and a future GIS Center. The scope of the renovations includes a total ‘gut to structure’ and replacement of all mechanical and electrical systems. This work requires the identification and abatement of hazardous materials and interior demolition. Architectural renovations include reconfiguring interior spaces into office, office support, specialized instructional classrooms, general purpose classrooms and labs.

West Virginia University looked to Brookwood’s experience and staffing to complement their own ability to provide comprehensive project management services. Specifically, WVU requested Executive Review Services for the benefit of their senior administration to guide them in strategic planning and decision making for their capital improvements. Further, WVU requested Schedule and budget support to assist their Program Managers in managing 11 of their individual projects. WVU anticipated that a direct byproduct of Brookwood’s diverse and comprehensive services would be to train their own staff to the point of better managing their projects.

West Virginia University

Services Provided
Construction program management support services

Alpha Associates, Baker and Associates, American Campus Communities/Craycroft Price, HOK, Perfido Weiskopf, RMF, McKinley and Associates

Mosites, G.A. Brown, Whiting-Turner, Wayne Crouse, Massaro Corp., March-Westin