Orange County Register Headquarters Redevelopment, Santa Ana, California


Brookwood was engaged by Caribou Industries as a strategic advisor to facilitate the redevelopment planning, tenanting, and financing of a 20-acre, urban infill site in Santa Ana, California.

While Caribou is a long-established and highly-regarded local developer, Brookwood was instrumental in bringing forward the concept and design of a major mixed-use project centered around creative workspace for employers seeking to situate in arts- and transit-rich downtown Santa Ana. 

Brookwood’s contributions to the project have been on several fronts: initiating ongoing discussion with several major technology firms regarding potential occupancy, leadership in the sourcing of project equity, providing management of design and market analysis, and production of all financial structure and modeling. 

Caribou Industries, Inc.

Services Provided
Strategic Advisory, Development Management, Capital Sourcing, Tenant Sourcing

Design Professional